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Know Your Self

The path through which we can completely understand our reality is tedious. Most of us take several births before realizing the truth of our existence. For most of us one life is just not enough. We take several births before reaching the state of actual realization. It is a slow process of evolution for all of us. However, we can speed up the process and understand the truth only if we are willing to bring positive changes in our lives. Lot of us think that Truth has no value in today's world, however it is Truth which can help us in freeing ourselves from any pain, anxiety, disease or any other form of suffering. The evolution process will be faster if we are consistently focused on improving ourselves. Initially, the process of improvement will be linked with near term personal desires of each one of us, however as we accomplish our near term personal goals of improvement, we will move on to much larger or macro level changes in our selves. Such changes will motivate us to do ...


Ever thought what pain is? When you are too much attached with an elusive dream and your repeated attempts to pursue your dream only bring failure to you, it is pain. When you are hanging on a cliff in the wild and getting smashed over on your head by a beast and you know that you have no choice but to take the beating, it is pain. If you don’t want to get smashed, you have to leave the cliff and once you leave the cliff you fall forever. You have only two choices i.e. to bear the pain or die. So just bear the pain. Pain is the feeling to end your life but you can’t end it, because you have your parents, wife and children to think about. So what if this life is a punishment, you got to live it and live it with pain. You got to turn this pain into a feeling of pleasure and then you become an alchemist. The inability to turn pain into pleasure is also pain. This continuous string of failures makes you depressed and you know that you don’t want to live in this world, but you can’t do anyt...